Risk Factors

Social-emotional development is essential for the successful growth of young children. Continue to read below to better understand risk factors connected to social-emotional health.
“Young children in low-income neighborhoods are more likely to experience behavioral problems than children living in moderate or affluent neighborhoods.”
“Young children from households with lower levels of family income are more likely to experience behavioral problems that negatively impact their development.”
“More than two-thirds of adults with mental illness are parents.”
“Children of parents with mental illness may also show higher rates of difficulties with regulating their emotions, relationship problems and developmental delays.”
“One-third of children ages 2 to 5 in child welfare need mental health services and related interventions.”
“Adults who work in childcare centers have higher rates of depression than found in the general population. Caregivers who report depressive symptoms are more likely to be detached, insensitive and interact less with children in their care than non-familial caregivers who are not depressed.”
Source: National Center for Children in Poverty, Social-emotional Development in Early Childhood.