For Parents

Early Childhood Western Tidewater serves as an information hub for parents regarding early childhood education, social and emotional screenings, and referrals. Please use ECWT’s website as a resource or call our office with any questions regarding child care, kindergarten transition, or parent workshops.
Sleeptight Partnership
Portable Cribs & Safe Sleep Education
Safe Sleep Infographic
Sentara Obici Services
Breastfeeding Support
Childbirth Class for Young Moms
CHKD Newborn Classes
Maternity Tour
OB Nurse Navigators
Prepared Sibling Class
Pregnant Moms & Oral Health
A Guide to Dental Coverage for Pregnant Members
Dental Coverage for Low Income Pregnant Women
Pregnant Moms Home Visiting
CHIP of Southampton Roads
Nurse Family Partnership
Maternal Health Resources & Workshops
Smithfield Moms Collective